Having an astrology Sun and Moon chart created specifically for you is a fun and interesting way to explore areas of your personal life that you would otherwise be unable or unwilling to contemplate. These charts offer great insight into the depths of your personal life and help you understand why it is you do the things you do and act the way you act. In many regards one could think of an astrology Sun and Moon chart as a inexpensive evocative replacement or complement to seeing a counselor. Granted if you have serious personal problems an astrology chart is never a good solution over seeing a qualified counselor; however if you just have some issues you'd like to workout that are not too serious than an astrology chart is a great way to get started for only a little bit of money and time.
The one thing you want to be certain of when having an astrology Sun and Moon chart created for you is that you choose to go with a professional and experienced astrologer who will not disappoint you with a prefabricated completely impersonal chart. This especially holds true if you are visiting an online astrologer.
Although there are many qualified and excellent online astrologer's available the fact that they operate solely online means that you have to do a little bit of extra work to ensure that you don't end up paying a fraud. To help gain consumer confidence and recruit new clients astrologers like Blair Gorman of 123 Astrology offer a free first chart to all new clients so that people have an accurate representation of the skill level and professionalism. This is a great way to ensure that the astrologer you are choosing knows what they are doing and will give you the personal results you deserve.
Jenna Horowitz is the director of popular blog AstrologyInfoOnline.Com. She is an expert on astrology and her blog contains stacks of information on things like birth astrology and more. Get free tips when you visit her site today!
วันจันทร์ที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551
วันเสาร์ที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551
Lovers of Real Astrology Unite
The Science of Astrology
Horoscope versus Astrological Reading
Are you a lover of real astrology, are you tired of seeing Astrology maligned and ridiculed? Many are simply unaware that Astrology is one of the oldest Sciences in the world.
My best friend Victor Delgado is a knowledgeable and caring Astrologer and it was, guided by his hand, that I learned to love and trust astrology. Any one can print an "Astral Chart" and of course, modern computer programs could pinpoint with accuracy the exact house you were born in and in turn give an absolute location and alignment of every body. From the smallest asteroid to the largest or most distant planet in the solar system and the exact position of every star in the galaxy as of any particular second of the day. Go to software that is slightly more sophisticated and you will get highly accurate reports of each of their respective gravities and the extent of their influence, etc. etc. I was amassed when a web that I was visiting found immediately the small and remote town in Cuba were I was born so many years ago.
There are two parts to any good Astrological Reading. They are an accurate chart and then an interpretation of the chart the combined results are a reading. There are laterally 100's of programs with dozens of levels of accuracy and complexity that can generate a chart. Simply plug in a date, time, place, and viola an astral chart. Unfortunately, this is about where most automated programs end. At best, they then provide a written as well as pictorial summary of the chart and those programs that are geared towards commercial enterprise summarize individual characteristics, predominant traits and astrological probabilities. It is then wrapped in a neat package and given the title of Astrological Reading. That is as saying the report of a cat-scan, mammogram or any other medical test is a medical diagnoses. Well they are not and it's not a reading just a report. Someone has to render the diagnoses, use their skill, knowledge and intuition to interpret the real meaning of it all and how it affects the subject party. Guess what, it takes time and in today's world that is, something there is precious little of. So we tend to demand instant results, on line mortgage and credit card approval, medical diagnoses, prescriptions and yes-astrological readings delivered to you in minutes if not seconds. That's great as long as your comfortable with the idea that a computer, that on a basic level can only understand the concept of Zero (0) and One (1) and actually can't even recognize that, seeing only whether a switch is on or off, is capable of independent thought and analysis.
It would be impossible to print an astrology page in the newspaper that covered every contingency and variation that was possible for millions of people born. People living all over the world that were born within a specific 30-day period and then account for the possibility that the birth nay have occurred at any time over the course of 30, 60, 90 or even 100 years or more. (the possible permutations exceed 4.1E27 (That's 41 followed by 27 zeros) Therefore, what gets printed in your newspaper is a generality, that probably is no more or less accurate for the people under that particular sign than it would be for the people in the sign that precedes or proceeds it. At best what you see is good entertainment and it's free, or relatively so. I don't have a problem with this, as it promotes an interest in, and serves as advertising (bad or good depending on your perspective) for astrology in general. I call it, for want of a better description, "Media Hype -- Astrology."
Kryon the nurturing Angel of the New Age as channeled by Lee Carroll has addressed Astrology in detail. I will summarize some of his recent channeling on the way astrology works:
The sun is the fulcrum of the solar system and the center of energy for all life including you. There is a physical mechanism for sending information from the sun to the other planets and it has called the solar wind. This energy stream carries with it whatever patterns of inter dimensional energy the sun has at that moment, and delivers it to anywhere that is in reach of the sun's magnetic field [the Helios]. Energy is always there, but its cycles vary in intensity. Although science readily recognizes the solar wind as an energy, they have not officially recognized the inter dimensional patterns it carries to the planets as this windblasts out from the sun.
These patterns reflect the relational play between the sun and the other planets with their conflicting pushes and pulls created by gravity and countervailing magnetic fields (both are inter dimensional energies). Therefore, these sun patterns change continuously as the relational positions of the sun and the planets change creating new gravitational and magnetic impulses and restrictions.
When the solar wind, carrying this sun pattern, hits the Earth, it deposits the pattern upon the magnetic grid. The magnetic grid is dynamic (changes all the time), and is constantly realigned. The grid lines of the planet alter the pattern slightly due to fact that your grids are not consistent and have greater and lesser areas of influence in different Earth locations.
Human DNA is sensitive to magnetism, since it is a magnetic engine itself. At birth, when the child is separated from the parent, there is a signal sent to the brain of the infant that says, "Your system is now active and on its own, apart from your mother." During that first breath of independent and unique life, the child's Inter-dimensional DNA receives the pattern from the magnetism of the Earth's grid, and takes on what we have come to call "astrological attributes."
Different places on the planet will carry the basic pattern, plus or minus what Earth's magnetic field has contributed due to geographic location. This explains why excellent astrology must take into consideration the location of birth. Astrological Cartography is also based on this principle.
Astrology is the oldest science on the planet, and has when properly applied been proven to be accurate. In addition, "generic" astrology is also a significant influence in Humanism, from the cycles of the female's system, to the profound changes in Human behavior when the moon is full. You cannot separate yourself from it, and those who do not believe in it might as well not believe in breathing, because it is that much of an influence on your life.
The new energy on the planet invites you to change your Inter dimensional DNA. Kryon teaches that when you change your Inter dimensional DNA, you are working with the very core of the pattern you had at birth, and you are able to then work on the attributes of your astrological blueprint, and actually change it and/or even neutralize it. Kryon told us all about this in 1989. Ascended Masters did this, and we are now coming into a time where our abilities are those of the masters. Look into your life and eliminate the things that are negative and keep the attributes that support you. This is the true balanced Human Being"
Lovers of astrology Unite http://www.susyscorner.net/Squidoo.htm
Horoscope versus Astrological Reading
Are you a lover of real astrology, are you tired of seeing Astrology maligned and ridiculed? Many are simply unaware that Astrology is one of the oldest Sciences in the world.
My best friend Victor Delgado is a knowledgeable and caring Astrologer and it was, guided by his hand, that I learned to love and trust astrology. Any one can print an "Astral Chart" and of course, modern computer programs could pinpoint with accuracy the exact house you were born in and in turn give an absolute location and alignment of every body. From the smallest asteroid to the largest or most distant planet in the solar system and the exact position of every star in the galaxy as of any particular second of the day. Go to software that is slightly more sophisticated and you will get highly accurate reports of each of their respective gravities and the extent of their influence, etc. etc. I was amassed when a web that I was visiting found immediately the small and remote town in Cuba were I was born so many years ago.
There are two parts to any good Astrological Reading. They are an accurate chart and then an interpretation of the chart the combined results are a reading. There are laterally 100's of programs with dozens of levels of accuracy and complexity that can generate a chart. Simply plug in a date, time, place, and viola an astral chart. Unfortunately, this is about where most automated programs end. At best, they then provide a written as well as pictorial summary of the chart and those programs that are geared towards commercial enterprise summarize individual characteristics, predominant traits and astrological probabilities. It is then wrapped in a neat package and given the title of Astrological Reading. That is as saying the report of a cat-scan, mammogram or any other medical test is a medical diagnoses. Well they are not and it's not a reading just a report. Someone has to render the diagnoses, use their skill, knowledge and intuition to interpret the real meaning of it all and how it affects the subject party. Guess what, it takes time and in today's world that is, something there is precious little of. So we tend to demand instant results, on line mortgage and credit card approval, medical diagnoses, prescriptions and yes-astrological readings delivered to you in minutes if not seconds. That's great as long as your comfortable with the idea that a computer, that on a basic level can only understand the concept of Zero (0) and One (1) and actually can't even recognize that, seeing only whether a switch is on or off, is capable of independent thought and analysis.
It would be impossible to print an astrology page in the newspaper that covered every contingency and variation that was possible for millions of people born. People living all over the world that were born within a specific 30-day period and then account for the possibility that the birth nay have occurred at any time over the course of 30, 60, 90 or even 100 years or more. (the possible permutations exceed 4.1E27 (That's 41 followed by 27 zeros) Therefore, what gets printed in your newspaper is a generality, that probably is no more or less accurate for the people under that particular sign than it would be for the people in the sign that precedes or proceeds it. At best what you see is good entertainment and it's free, or relatively so. I don't have a problem with this, as it promotes an interest in, and serves as advertising (bad or good depending on your perspective) for astrology in general. I call it, for want of a better description, "Media Hype -- Astrology."
Kryon the nurturing Angel of the New Age as channeled by Lee Carroll has addressed Astrology in detail. I will summarize some of his recent channeling on the way astrology works:
The sun is the fulcrum of the solar system and the center of energy for all life including you. There is a physical mechanism for sending information from the sun to the other planets and it has called the solar wind. This energy stream carries with it whatever patterns of inter dimensional energy the sun has at that moment, and delivers it to anywhere that is in reach of the sun's magnetic field [the Helios]. Energy is always there, but its cycles vary in intensity. Although science readily recognizes the solar wind as an energy, they have not officially recognized the inter dimensional patterns it carries to the planets as this windblasts out from the sun.
These patterns reflect the relational play between the sun and the other planets with their conflicting pushes and pulls created by gravity and countervailing magnetic fields (both are inter dimensional energies). Therefore, these sun patterns change continuously as the relational positions of the sun and the planets change creating new gravitational and magnetic impulses and restrictions.
When the solar wind, carrying this sun pattern, hits the Earth, it deposits the pattern upon the magnetic grid. The magnetic grid is dynamic (changes all the time), and is constantly realigned. The grid lines of the planet alter the pattern slightly due to fact that your grids are not consistent and have greater and lesser areas of influence in different Earth locations.
Human DNA is sensitive to magnetism, since it is a magnetic engine itself. At birth, when the child is separated from the parent, there is a signal sent to the brain of the infant that says, "Your system is now active and on its own, apart from your mother." During that first breath of independent and unique life, the child's Inter-dimensional DNA receives the pattern from the magnetism of the Earth's grid, and takes on what we have come to call "astrological attributes."
Different places on the planet will carry the basic pattern, plus or minus what Earth's magnetic field has contributed due to geographic location. This explains why excellent astrology must take into consideration the location of birth. Astrological Cartography is also based on this principle.
Astrology is the oldest science on the planet, and has when properly applied been proven to be accurate. In addition, "generic" astrology is also a significant influence in Humanism, from the cycles of the female's system, to the profound changes in Human behavior when the moon is full. You cannot separate yourself from it, and those who do not believe in it might as well not believe in breathing, because it is that much of an influence on your life.
The new energy on the planet invites you to change your Inter dimensional DNA. Kryon teaches that when you change your Inter dimensional DNA, you are working with the very core of the pattern you had at birth, and you are able to then work on the attributes of your astrological blueprint, and actually change it and/or even neutralize it. Kryon told us all about this in 1989. Ascended Masters did this, and we are now coming into a time where our abilities are those of the masters. Look into your life and eliminate the things that are negative and keep the attributes that support you. This is the true balanced Human Being"
Lovers of astrology Unite http://www.susyscorner.net/Squidoo.htm
วันพุธที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551
Venus Through the Zodiac
This is not an article about the effects of the natural characteristics of the Signs on Venus. A planet, in addition to being influenced by the Sign it is placed within, will ALSO give the effects of the number of houses counted from its Moolatrikona sign and the number of houses counted from the planet to its feminine sign. This is the initiative/receptive dynamic within the planet. The masculine or Moolatrikona sign initiates the energy and the feminine sign receives the energy. Venus is the ruler of the natural 2nd and 7th houses, Taurus and Libra. The 2nd house is worth and the 7th house is desire. The ultimate desire being for "the other" or for a romantic partner. Thus, Venus rules desire and the choices we make to obtain our desires. Venus also rules weighing what is more worthwhile in order to obtain what is desired. Libra, the moolatrikona sign of Venus, is represented by the Scales.
When Venus is afflicted in a chart, the person makes poor decisions that take them down a path they do not want to go, and where the amount they must give up is not worth what they would receive. There is more than one name given for Venus in the classical texts. Shukra is the most common and it means "bright white". Another name for Venus is kama which means desire. Venus is also "Kritajna" or "knowledgeable in conduct". Thus Venus rules manners and politeness. Manners are necessary to navigate the world of others and have one's desires fulfilled. "Dinavegya" means "offering to the miserable" and is another name for Venus. Whatever is offered to the miserable is to make them more comfortable, thus Venus rules all comforts, nursing and therapy. Venus also rules upayes or remedies for afflictions in the chart. Keep all that Venus represents in mind while evaluating its effects in the Signs. The Signs in which Venus is deposited, in addition to its position in regards to the Moolatikona will color and control all the effects of Venus within the horoscope.
Venus is Aries
In addition to the natural indications of Aries, Venus here will give the effects of a 2nd and 7th house Venus. Aries is 7 houses away from Libra, the Moolatrikona sign of Venus and counting from Venus, Taurus is the 2nd Sign from Aries. For Taurus, the feminine sign ruled by Venus, we always start counting from Venus first, because the feminine sign receives the energy and the masculine sign initiates the energy. Venus in Aries people enjoy the give and take of relationships and are almost always in one. They are sensitive and respectful of their partners and highly sensual. They have beautiful manners when dealing with others. The 2nd house Venus connotations will give make these natives be receptive to romantic partners with beautiful faces. Comfort and decoram play a major part in their lives. They react strongly to beautiful words and speech and can appreciate good food. These natives find much value in the beauty of their surroundings and have an eye for fine art. A man with Venus in Aries will have a wife or girlfriend who has problems with subservient workers, servants, maids and physical labor (Saturn is debilitated in Aries). He will also have a wife or girlfriend who has great luck with her bosses, the government, politicians and benefits greatly from her father (the Sun is exalted in Aries).
Venus in Taurus
Venus in Taurus gives 8th and 1st house connotations in addition to the natural effects of Taurus. 8th house connotations because Taurus is the 8th Sign from Libra, Venus' Moolatrikona sign and 1st house connotations because Venus is in Taurus is in its own feminine sign. Venus in Taurus will initiate romance in a secretive, hidden fashion. They will be attracted to romantic partners who are also secretive and mysterious. They will find much value in the hidden, occult side of life. They often find that they transform themselves through relationships. They are naturally able to benefit from their partner's resources. Relationships often have abrupt endings. These natives are well-groomed and take care of their appearance. They are on the receiving end of much nurturing and comforting within relationships. Receiving love and the results of their choices directly affects their self-esteem. A man with Venus in Taurus will have a wife or girlfriend who benefits greatly from her mother and has a wonderful relationship with her mother (the Moon is exalted in Taurus).
Venus in Gemini
This Venus has 9th and 12th house connotations. Venus in Gemini will initiate romance, nurturing and decision-making through a philosophical or religious platform (9th house). They are also very attracted to and desiring of these qualities. When they make a choice, it is often after considering how it will benefit their higher learning and wisdom. These natives may also incur expenses while being on the receptive end of a relationship. The consequences of their decisions will cause them to incur expense also and they more often than not will have to give something up to receive in their relationships. Venus in Gemini people will often find that foreigners are attracted to them. Sometimes their love interests are kept secret or hidden away. There is an inclination towards clandestine affairs but Venus would have to be very afflicted by aspect or low in Sthana bala or Cheshta bala for the illicit nature to manifest.
Venus in Cancer
Venus in Cancer carries 10th and 11th house connotations in addition to the natural characteristics of Cancer. This placement of Venus will initiate romance, nurturing and decision making based upon duty. The 10th house is the house of karma or action and these natives often initiate their romances instead of being on the receiving end of someone's affections. Venus in Cancer will make a career out of helming the relationship and of nurturing the partner. They are often on the receiving end of friendship oriented crushes from others. Because the interested party always presents themselves as a friend, the Venus in Cancer person is obliged to initiate the relationship. The 11th house connotations on the receiving end of the Venus in Cancer person will cause this native to be drawn to nurturing friends. The friends will also be consulted on a regular basis in important decisions by this native. Social life is of immense value to this person as well. Often, the results of decisions are financial or material gain. A man with Venus in Cancer will have a wife who has had abusive or anger-prone siblings and trouble with real-estate (Mars debilitated in Cancer) but at the same time, she will also have a very good husband (the native himself and Jupiter is exalted in Cancer) and that she has very good fortune when it comes to the realm of higher learning, philosophy, religion and teachers. She is also generally happy and philosophical if Venus is not afflicted.
Venus in Leo
Venus in Leo natives initiate relationships and decisions based upon what they have to gain from it. Venus in Leo often find that their partners have a lot to bring to the table either in wealth, resources, beauty or knowledge. The Venus in Leo person is inherently attracted to these types of people, people who stand out in some way. These natives will utilize friendship and social interaction as their main force when beginning and sustaining relationships. The inherent value of the relationship will be based upon the friendly feelings between the two people and the ability of the couple to social climb and be recognized in social circles. Venus in Leo natives will find that they are often showered with love and devotion that they very much enjoy unless Venus is afflicted. This is because Taurus is 10 Signs away from Leo and they are on the receiving end of romance in a 10th house fashion. Their partners will make a "career" out of the relationship and nurturing the relationship.
Venus in Virgo
Venus is Virgo has 12th and 9th house connotations. Virgo is the debilitation sign of Venus. Venus in Virgo natives will initiate their decision-making process in a vague, hidden manner. They are often unaware of why they made a certain choice. Loss is the catalyst for entering into relationships and they often enter them just for sexual gratification (12th house). When they initiate a decision, they must almost always give up something before they can obtain what they desire. In addition to this, the idea of self-negation drives them in their choice of mate. This is why Venus is debilitated in this sign. Venus has to do with worth and if you are coming from a place of loss or thinking of devaluing yourself (12th house) in order to have a relationship, then you are going against the very nature of Venus as a karaka. Venus in Virgo natives are often the object of desire for philosophical, religious types and also their mentors and teachers. The consequences of their decisions will affect their higher knowledge, their philosophy of life, and their spirituality. A man with Venus in Virgo will have a wife or girlfriend who benefits greatly from her friends and who has many skills. She will also be very articulate. (Mercury is exalted in Virgo).
Venus in Libra
These natives have characteristics of the 1st and 8th houses. Venus in Libra will initiate its Venusian energy (partnership, relation, making choices and comforting, nurturing) through their body language and personal charisma. The native is polite, charming and well-mannered, gives good advice and has a soothing, comforting demeanor. The native will receive romance, nurturing and the consequences of their decisions through 8th house venues. This means through mysterious, hidden and taboo channels. They will often become caught up in secret trysts. The resources and wealth of the partner serve to nurture and comfort this native. A man with Venus in Libra will often get a wife or girlfriend who has a less than stellar relationship with her father (the Sun is debilitated in Libra) but very good luck with servants, tenants, and/or subservient workers. A woman with Venus in Libra will often get caught up in romances that are very long-term (Saturn exalted in Libra) but that lack stability and consistency (the Sun debilitated in Libra).
Venus in Scorpio
The native with this placement initiates relationships, decisions and comfort producing activities through the agent of their wealth. This person likes to feel stable within their own self-worth and financial situation and uses this to choose their partners and romantic interests. When they are trying to decide if something is worthwhile, the Venus in Scorpio person will calculate how it will add to their value. They are attracted to partners will beautiful faces. These people receive Venusian energy from partners that are highly sexual (7th house). When the partner wants to nurture and comfort the Venus in Scorpio person, they do it through sex. The consequences of the decisions made by the Venus in Scorpio natives will often lead them into relationships and/or dealing with business partners. The consequences of their choices will also have a wide ranging effect on the people in their lives. A man with Venus in Scorpio will have a wife or girlfriend that was abused by her mother either emotionally or physically or had a mother that was not present. The woman with Venus in Scorpio will have romances that are full of heavy emotionality and some paranoia.
Venus in Sagittarius
These natives have a Venus with 3rd and 6th house connotations. Venus in Sagittarius will initiate relationships out of a curiosity. They will be playful and love to go on adventures with their partner. When they make decisions and weigh the worth of something, they look to how much excitement it will bring them. The 3rd house is all about communication so these natives enjoy picking partners that they will be able to effectively communicate with. They are often on the receiving end of love interests that enjoy argument and sparing. Venus in Sagittarius is not the most auspicious place for Venus because the 6th house is the house of divorce. Many times, these natives will attract partners that turn out to be their enemies and do not have their best interests at heart. The consequences of their decisions often wind them up in debt. But they can benefit a lot from their decisions through the agency of their health.
Venus in Capricorn
The native with Venus in Capricorn will have 4th and 5th house characteristics to his/her Venus. This Venus will initiate relationships to find happiness and from deep emotional need. Nurturing others and making worthwhile decisions are an integral ingredient to their happiness. The 4th house is also a hidden house, so when the person is interested in someone romantically, they will show their interest very subtly and the object of their affection must be tuned in to their emotions. The Venus in Capricorn person receives love from others in a grand, romantic fashion (5th house). The partner of the Venus in Capricorn person will be very creative in the way they express their devotion. The consequences of decisions made by Venus in Capricorn people will often lead them into some kind of creativity and the opportunity to express their creativity will weigh heavily on the decisions they make. Also, if they have children, these children will always be taken into consideration when making decisions. A man with Venus in Capricorn will have a wife or girlfriend that has ill luck with teachers, mentors, philosophy and/or religion, and money. (Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn).
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in Aquarius gives 5th and 4th house effects, exactly like Venus in Capricorn, however the initiative/receptive dynamic is reversed. Venus in Aquarius will initiate relationships and maintain them very creatively, and in an over-the-top romantic way. Before making decisions, they weigh how it will improve their creativity. Partners that are attracted to the Venus in Aquarius person will show their affections clandestinely, deeply emotionally. This native naturally attracts very nurturing partners. There are no planets that are exalted or debilitated in Aquarius, so reading some life experiences of the wife or girlfriend for the man with Venus in Aquarius does not apply.
Venus in Pisces
This is Venus' exalted position. This is odd because Venus will give 6th and 3rd house effects here. Interestingly, such characteristics reveal the naturally cruel nature of Venus. After all, the avatar for Venus is Parasurama, an avatar that is known for his killing. And Venus is the guru of the demons. Venus in Pisces people will initiate relationships from an inimical standpoint, meaning they will love to challenge their partner. Verbal sparring will be their method of amorous fraternizing. Venus in Pisces people will attract partners who are interested in adventure and are very curious about them. There will be much indecisiveness when making a decision for these natives. The enemies of a Venus in Pisces native will have much to do with the choices this native makes. And he or she often finds that the consequences of such choices will lead them into their own hobbies, travel and self-expression. The man with Venus in Pisces will have a wife or girlfriend that has trouble and ill luck with her friends and has issues with communication (Mercury debilitated in Pisces).
Laura Barat is a professional practicing Vedic and Western Astrologer in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. She is a graduate of the American College of Vedic Astrology and a regional teacher for Dirah Academy International. Please visit her website at http://www.laurabarat.org
When Venus is afflicted in a chart, the person makes poor decisions that take them down a path they do not want to go, and where the amount they must give up is not worth what they would receive. There is more than one name given for Venus in the classical texts. Shukra is the most common and it means "bright white". Another name for Venus is kama which means desire. Venus is also "Kritajna" or "knowledgeable in conduct". Thus Venus rules manners and politeness. Manners are necessary to navigate the world of others and have one's desires fulfilled. "Dinavegya" means "offering to the miserable" and is another name for Venus. Whatever is offered to the miserable is to make them more comfortable, thus Venus rules all comforts, nursing and therapy. Venus also rules upayes or remedies for afflictions in the chart. Keep all that Venus represents in mind while evaluating its effects in the Signs. The Signs in which Venus is deposited, in addition to its position in regards to the Moolatikona will color and control all the effects of Venus within the horoscope.
Venus is Aries
In addition to the natural indications of Aries, Venus here will give the effects of a 2nd and 7th house Venus. Aries is 7 houses away from Libra, the Moolatrikona sign of Venus and counting from Venus, Taurus is the 2nd Sign from Aries. For Taurus, the feminine sign ruled by Venus, we always start counting from Venus first, because the feminine sign receives the energy and the masculine sign initiates the energy. Venus in Aries people enjoy the give and take of relationships and are almost always in one. They are sensitive and respectful of their partners and highly sensual. They have beautiful manners when dealing with others. The 2nd house Venus connotations will give make these natives be receptive to romantic partners with beautiful faces. Comfort and decoram play a major part in their lives. They react strongly to beautiful words and speech and can appreciate good food. These natives find much value in the beauty of their surroundings and have an eye for fine art. A man with Venus in Aries will have a wife or girlfriend who has problems with subservient workers, servants, maids and physical labor (Saturn is debilitated in Aries). He will also have a wife or girlfriend who has great luck with her bosses, the government, politicians and benefits greatly from her father (the Sun is exalted in Aries).
Venus in Taurus
Venus in Taurus gives 8th and 1st house connotations in addition to the natural effects of Taurus. 8th house connotations because Taurus is the 8th Sign from Libra, Venus' Moolatrikona sign and 1st house connotations because Venus is in Taurus is in its own feminine sign. Venus in Taurus will initiate romance in a secretive, hidden fashion. They will be attracted to romantic partners who are also secretive and mysterious. They will find much value in the hidden, occult side of life. They often find that they transform themselves through relationships. They are naturally able to benefit from their partner's resources. Relationships often have abrupt endings. These natives are well-groomed and take care of their appearance. They are on the receiving end of much nurturing and comforting within relationships. Receiving love and the results of their choices directly affects their self-esteem. A man with Venus in Taurus will have a wife or girlfriend who benefits greatly from her mother and has a wonderful relationship with her mother (the Moon is exalted in Taurus).
Venus in Gemini
This Venus has 9th and 12th house connotations. Venus in Gemini will initiate romance, nurturing and decision-making through a philosophical or religious platform (9th house). They are also very attracted to and desiring of these qualities. When they make a choice, it is often after considering how it will benefit their higher learning and wisdom. These natives may also incur expenses while being on the receptive end of a relationship. The consequences of their decisions will cause them to incur expense also and they more often than not will have to give something up to receive in their relationships. Venus in Gemini people will often find that foreigners are attracted to them. Sometimes their love interests are kept secret or hidden away. There is an inclination towards clandestine affairs but Venus would have to be very afflicted by aspect or low in Sthana bala or Cheshta bala for the illicit nature to manifest.
Venus in Cancer
Venus in Cancer carries 10th and 11th house connotations in addition to the natural characteristics of Cancer. This placement of Venus will initiate romance, nurturing and decision making based upon duty. The 10th house is the house of karma or action and these natives often initiate their romances instead of being on the receiving end of someone's affections. Venus in Cancer will make a career out of helming the relationship and of nurturing the partner. They are often on the receiving end of friendship oriented crushes from others. Because the interested party always presents themselves as a friend, the Venus in Cancer person is obliged to initiate the relationship. The 11th house connotations on the receiving end of the Venus in Cancer person will cause this native to be drawn to nurturing friends. The friends will also be consulted on a regular basis in important decisions by this native. Social life is of immense value to this person as well. Often, the results of decisions are financial or material gain. A man with Venus in Cancer will have a wife who has had abusive or anger-prone siblings and trouble with real-estate (Mars debilitated in Cancer) but at the same time, she will also have a very good husband (the native himself and Jupiter is exalted in Cancer) and that she has very good fortune when it comes to the realm of higher learning, philosophy, religion and teachers. She is also generally happy and philosophical if Venus is not afflicted.
Venus in Leo
Venus in Leo natives initiate relationships and decisions based upon what they have to gain from it. Venus in Leo often find that their partners have a lot to bring to the table either in wealth, resources, beauty or knowledge. The Venus in Leo person is inherently attracted to these types of people, people who stand out in some way. These natives will utilize friendship and social interaction as their main force when beginning and sustaining relationships. The inherent value of the relationship will be based upon the friendly feelings between the two people and the ability of the couple to social climb and be recognized in social circles. Venus in Leo natives will find that they are often showered with love and devotion that they very much enjoy unless Venus is afflicted. This is because Taurus is 10 Signs away from Leo and they are on the receiving end of romance in a 10th house fashion. Their partners will make a "career" out of the relationship and nurturing the relationship.
Venus in Virgo
Venus is Virgo has 12th and 9th house connotations. Virgo is the debilitation sign of Venus. Venus in Virgo natives will initiate their decision-making process in a vague, hidden manner. They are often unaware of why they made a certain choice. Loss is the catalyst for entering into relationships and they often enter them just for sexual gratification (12th house). When they initiate a decision, they must almost always give up something before they can obtain what they desire. In addition to this, the idea of self-negation drives them in their choice of mate. This is why Venus is debilitated in this sign. Venus has to do with worth and if you are coming from a place of loss or thinking of devaluing yourself (12th house) in order to have a relationship, then you are going against the very nature of Venus as a karaka. Venus in Virgo natives are often the object of desire for philosophical, religious types and also their mentors and teachers. The consequences of their decisions will affect their higher knowledge, their philosophy of life, and their spirituality. A man with Venus in Virgo will have a wife or girlfriend who benefits greatly from her friends and who has many skills. She will also be very articulate. (Mercury is exalted in Virgo).
Venus in Libra
These natives have characteristics of the 1st and 8th houses. Venus in Libra will initiate its Venusian energy (partnership, relation, making choices and comforting, nurturing) through their body language and personal charisma. The native is polite, charming and well-mannered, gives good advice and has a soothing, comforting demeanor. The native will receive romance, nurturing and the consequences of their decisions through 8th house venues. This means through mysterious, hidden and taboo channels. They will often become caught up in secret trysts. The resources and wealth of the partner serve to nurture and comfort this native. A man with Venus in Libra will often get a wife or girlfriend who has a less than stellar relationship with her father (the Sun is debilitated in Libra) but very good luck with servants, tenants, and/or subservient workers. A woman with Venus in Libra will often get caught up in romances that are very long-term (Saturn exalted in Libra) but that lack stability and consistency (the Sun debilitated in Libra).
Venus in Scorpio
The native with this placement initiates relationships, decisions and comfort producing activities through the agent of their wealth. This person likes to feel stable within their own self-worth and financial situation and uses this to choose their partners and romantic interests. When they are trying to decide if something is worthwhile, the Venus in Scorpio person will calculate how it will add to their value. They are attracted to partners will beautiful faces. These people receive Venusian energy from partners that are highly sexual (7th house). When the partner wants to nurture and comfort the Venus in Scorpio person, they do it through sex. The consequences of the decisions made by the Venus in Scorpio natives will often lead them into relationships and/or dealing with business partners. The consequences of their choices will also have a wide ranging effect on the people in their lives. A man with Venus in Scorpio will have a wife or girlfriend that was abused by her mother either emotionally or physically or had a mother that was not present. The woman with Venus in Scorpio will have romances that are full of heavy emotionality and some paranoia.
Venus in Sagittarius
These natives have a Venus with 3rd and 6th house connotations. Venus in Sagittarius will initiate relationships out of a curiosity. They will be playful and love to go on adventures with their partner. When they make decisions and weigh the worth of something, they look to how much excitement it will bring them. The 3rd house is all about communication so these natives enjoy picking partners that they will be able to effectively communicate with. They are often on the receiving end of love interests that enjoy argument and sparing. Venus in Sagittarius is not the most auspicious place for Venus because the 6th house is the house of divorce. Many times, these natives will attract partners that turn out to be their enemies and do not have their best interests at heart. The consequences of their decisions often wind them up in debt. But they can benefit a lot from their decisions through the agency of their health.
Venus in Capricorn
The native with Venus in Capricorn will have 4th and 5th house characteristics to his/her Venus. This Venus will initiate relationships to find happiness and from deep emotional need. Nurturing others and making worthwhile decisions are an integral ingredient to their happiness. The 4th house is also a hidden house, so when the person is interested in someone romantically, they will show their interest very subtly and the object of their affection must be tuned in to their emotions. The Venus in Capricorn person receives love from others in a grand, romantic fashion (5th house). The partner of the Venus in Capricorn person will be very creative in the way they express their devotion. The consequences of decisions made by Venus in Capricorn people will often lead them into some kind of creativity and the opportunity to express their creativity will weigh heavily on the decisions they make. Also, if they have children, these children will always be taken into consideration when making decisions. A man with Venus in Capricorn will have a wife or girlfriend that has ill luck with teachers, mentors, philosophy and/or religion, and money. (Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn).
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in Aquarius gives 5th and 4th house effects, exactly like Venus in Capricorn, however the initiative/receptive dynamic is reversed. Venus in Aquarius will initiate relationships and maintain them very creatively, and in an over-the-top romantic way. Before making decisions, they weigh how it will improve their creativity. Partners that are attracted to the Venus in Aquarius person will show their affections clandestinely, deeply emotionally. This native naturally attracts very nurturing partners. There are no planets that are exalted or debilitated in Aquarius, so reading some life experiences of the wife or girlfriend for the man with Venus in Aquarius does not apply.
Venus in Pisces
This is Venus' exalted position. This is odd because Venus will give 6th and 3rd house effects here. Interestingly, such characteristics reveal the naturally cruel nature of Venus. After all, the avatar for Venus is Parasurama, an avatar that is known for his killing. And Venus is the guru of the demons. Venus in Pisces people will initiate relationships from an inimical standpoint, meaning they will love to challenge their partner. Verbal sparring will be their method of amorous fraternizing. Venus in Pisces people will attract partners who are interested in adventure and are very curious about them. There will be much indecisiveness when making a decision for these natives. The enemies of a Venus in Pisces native will have much to do with the choices this native makes. And he or she often finds that the consequences of such choices will lead them into their own hobbies, travel and self-expression. The man with Venus in Pisces will have a wife or girlfriend that has trouble and ill luck with her friends and has issues with communication (Mercury debilitated in Pisces).
Laura Barat is a professional practicing Vedic and Western Astrologer in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. She is a graduate of the American College of Vedic Astrology and a regional teacher for Dirah Academy International. Please visit her website at http://www.laurabarat.org
From a 5 Elements Point of View, How is Your Luck Cycle in 2009?
Besides using your zodiac sign to determine your luck cycle, you can also determine your luck cycle by using your birth month. Basing on your birth month, you can tell which are your favorable elements.
Basing on your favorable elements, you can easily determine your luck cycle. This is basing on the 5 elements point of view. If you use your 8 characters (i.e. your date and hour of birth), the result will be more accurate as compared to using only your birth month.Let's begin...
2009 is Earth Ox year. It is a pure Earth year. There are 2 types of Earth, Wet Earth and Hot Earth. Hot Earth is more favorable to those born in Autumn and Winter while Wet Earth is more favorable to those born in Summer and Spring.Year 2009 is a year of Wet Earth.
First, let me list out the different periods below...
Spring - 4th February to 4th April - Dominating Element is Wood.
Summer - 6th May to 6th July - Dominating Element is Fire.
Autumn - 8th August to 7th October - Dominating Element is Metal.
Winter - 8th November to 5th January - Dominating Element is Water. Dragon Month - 5th April to 5th May - Dominating Element is Wet Earth.
Sheep Month - 7th July to 7th August - Dominating Element is Hot Earth.
Dog Month - 8th October to 7th November - Dominating Element is Hot Earth.
Ox Month - 6th January to 3rd February - Dominating Element is Wet Earth.
After determining the period you are born in, let's look at your luck cycle for 2009...
For those born in Spring, you luck cycle will be quite smooth is 2009.As your dominating element is Wood, Metal is your favorable element. As Earth produces Metal, Earth is also favorable to you. If you are born on a Metal day, this will be especially true for you this year.
Next, the Summer people will also have a great time in 2009.Wet Earth can help to reduce the effect of Fire, which is your dominating element.Fire produces Earth. Which also means that Earth weakens Fire. Since Fire is unfavorable to you, weakening Fire will also do your luck cycle good.
Coming to the Autumn people now. If you are born in Autumn, your luck cycle will not be so smooth. Earth produces Metal, which is your unfavorable element.In this case, when Earth produces more of your unfavorable element, it causes your luck cycle to be down.If you are born in Winter, your luck cycle will be average. Earth may help you to reduce to effect of Water, your unfavorable element. But it also reduces the effect of Fire, which is your favorable element.
Lastly, we have those born in the Earth months...
Those born in Earth months may face a lot of obstacles in 2009,as Earth is their unfavorable element.2009 is a double Earth year, which is very unfavorable to them.Among the 2 types of Earth, those born in Hot Earth months will fare better than those born in Wet Earth months.Which means to say that if you are born in Sheep month or Dog month, you will fare better than those born in Dragon month or Ox month.
Now, don't worry if you are one of those whose luck cycles are not favorable. In my next article, I will share with you how you can improve your luck cycle.In Chinese astrology, it is all about increasing the effect of your favorable elements to improve your luck cycle. Even if you can't totally eliminate bad luck, you can still reduce it.
Marco Chong is the author of "The 58 Secret Keys To Home Feng Shui That You Must Know". He practices Flying Star Feng Shui and specializes in home feng shui. Marco has been practicing feng shui and Chinese astrology since 1992.
For more information, visit http://www.58fengshuisecretkeys.com
Basing on your favorable elements, you can easily determine your luck cycle. This is basing on the 5 elements point of view. If you use your 8 characters (i.e. your date and hour of birth), the result will be more accurate as compared to using only your birth month.Let's begin...
2009 is Earth Ox year. It is a pure Earth year. There are 2 types of Earth, Wet Earth and Hot Earth. Hot Earth is more favorable to those born in Autumn and Winter while Wet Earth is more favorable to those born in Summer and Spring.Year 2009 is a year of Wet Earth.
First, let me list out the different periods below...
Spring - 4th February to 4th April - Dominating Element is Wood.
Summer - 6th May to 6th July - Dominating Element is Fire.
Autumn - 8th August to 7th October - Dominating Element is Metal.
Winter - 8th November to 5th January - Dominating Element is Water. Dragon Month - 5th April to 5th May - Dominating Element is Wet Earth.
Sheep Month - 7th July to 7th August - Dominating Element is Hot Earth.
Dog Month - 8th October to 7th November - Dominating Element is Hot Earth.
Ox Month - 6th January to 3rd February - Dominating Element is Wet Earth.
After determining the period you are born in, let's look at your luck cycle for 2009...
For those born in Spring, you luck cycle will be quite smooth is 2009.As your dominating element is Wood, Metal is your favorable element. As Earth produces Metal, Earth is also favorable to you. If you are born on a Metal day, this will be especially true for you this year.
Next, the Summer people will also have a great time in 2009.Wet Earth can help to reduce the effect of Fire, which is your dominating element.Fire produces Earth. Which also means that Earth weakens Fire. Since Fire is unfavorable to you, weakening Fire will also do your luck cycle good.
Coming to the Autumn people now. If you are born in Autumn, your luck cycle will not be so smooth. Earth produces Metal, which is your unfavorable element.In this case, when Earth produces more of your unfavorable element, it causes your luck cycle to be down.If you are born in Winter, your luck cycle will be average. Earth may help you to reduce to effect of Water, your unfavorable element. But it also reduces the effect of Fire, which is your favorable element.
Lastly, we have those born in the Earth months...
Those born in Earth months may face a lot of obstacles in 2009,as Earth is their unfavorable element.2009 is a double Earth year, which is very unfavorable to them.Among the 2 types of Earth, those born in Hot Earth months will fare better than those born in Wet Earth months.Which means to say that if you are born in Sheep month or Dog month, you will fare better than those born in Dragon month or Ox month.
Now, don't worry if you are one of those whose luck cycles are not favorable. In my next article, I will share with you how you can improve your luck cycle.In Chinese astrology, it is all about increasing the effect of your favorable elements to improve your luck cycle. Even if you can't totally eliminate bad luck, you can still reduce it.
Marco Chong is the author of "The 58 Secret Keys To Home Feng Shui That You Must Know". He practices Flying Star Feng Shui and specializes in home feng shui. Marco has been practicing feng shui and Chinese astrology since 1992.
For more information, visit http://www.58fengshuisecretkeys.com
Virgo Man Relationship Advice For Women
So you've found yourself deeply attracted to a Virgo man. It's no wonder given how desirable men born under this astrological sign are. But how does a woman appeal directly to a man born at this time of year? There is some Virgo man relationship advice that can certainly give any woman an advantage if her goal is to capture the heart of a man like this.
One of the most valuable pieces of Virgo man relationship advice is to be as feminine and lady like as you possibly can be. Virgo men don't find crudeness attractive in the least. If you want to develop a relationship with a man born in late August through mid September, you have to always keep in mind that putting your best foot forward, being polite and courteous are all things he values very highly.
There is a piece of Virgo man relationship advice that focuses on your appearance. Men born under this astrological sign take great pride in how they look and expect the same from the woman in their lives. This doesn't mean that you have to be thin as a rail or have your hair professionally styled once a week. It does mean that you must take extra care when choosing clothing and make sure everything is pressed and accessorized. Virgo men notice this and it makes their heart skip a beat.
You can't always be asking your man for together time. This tidbit of Virgo man relationship advice shouldn't be ignored. These men love being alone and will often choose an evening at home by themselves to having dinner with the woman they love. Don't take this as a rejection of you. Instead use that time to seek out your own interests or spend time with friends. If you don't fuss about it, you'll gain even more points with your man.
Specific things you say and do can make a Virgo man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this Informative Site!
You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gillian_Reynolds
One of the most valuable pieces of Virgo man relationship advice is to be as feminine and lady like as you possibly can be. Virgo men don't find crudeness attractive in the least. If you want to develop a relationship with a man born in late August through mid September, you have to always keep in mind that putting your best foot forward, being polite and courteous are all things he values very highly.
There is a piece of Virgo man relationship advice that focuses on your appearance. Men born under this astrological sign take great pride in how they look and expect the same from the woman in their lives. This doesn't mean that you have to be thin as a rail or have your hair professionally styled once a week. It does mean that you must take extra care when choosing clothing and make sure everything is pressed and accessorized. Virgo men notice this and it makes their heart skip a beat.
You can't always be asking your man for together time. This tidbit of Virgo man relationship advice shouldn't be ignored. These men love being alone and will often choose an evening at home by themselves to having dinner with the woman they love. Don't take this as a rejection of you. Instead use that time to seek out your own interests or spend time with friends. If you don't fuss about it, you'll gain even more points with your man.
Specific things you say and do can make a Virgo man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this Informative Site!
You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gillian_Reynolds
Crystal For Capricorn Sun Sign
December 22 - January 19
Birthstone: Onyx and Garnet Abundance Stone: Ruby
If you are born under this sun sign you can tend to be on the very serious and follow the rules type person, however, that can be balanced out with a true sense of humor. Capricorn sun sign people, like structure and crave authority, if this sounds like you carrying an Onyx will create a balance in these areas.
Garnet is the crystal you want to carry to balance out any heaviness or stress of any sort, it is know to be the revitalizing stone and will bring serenity and calm just when it is needed. You will want to always wear and/or carry a Garnet with you, as it will keep you in toned balance. This could even be a great engagement stone as it encourages commitment and fidelity.
Many Capricorns love to climb to the top, and that is the top of anything, it can be a profession, a community or an organization or all of them. They love to work, organize and are usual task orientated. With all of this said, a Capricorn is an asset to any business, but usually they like something that they feel they can be in charge with and this is when it is good to wear or carry a Ruby as it will assist you in the ability to succeed and perform with great leadership.
Capricorns do not tend to become spiritually orientated until they have feeling of security in their personal and business lives, as most of their time and energy is in climbing the ladder and that doesn't leave much time for anything else. It is rather difficult for you to integrate the inner with outer until you feel you have the extra time for it, this is when it is good for you carry Azurite, as it helps balance this out and opens up your spiritual intuition and encourages more balance in this area.
The areas of the body that tend to challenge the Capricorn are the knees, skin and bones of the body, you can tend towards arthritis and what assists in relieving the pain and loosen up the joints is carrying or wearing Fluorite. If you tend to get bouts of depression use Amber to counteract these tendencies, it can bring light and well being to your mind, body and soul; and it is a great stone for healing, as it can help draw out the dis-ease in your body and it can heal faster.
Darlene has researched, practiced and implemented many spiritual and personal growth paths: Crystal Readings for Vibrant Living; Feng Shui for personal tranquility; Sacred Movements for a disciplined life; Gentle Touch Energy Healer; Whole and organic food advocate-Food as Medicine; Artist of hand woven and beaded amulet basket necklaces. She resides in California in her own personal wellness center and sanctuary. She brings her wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self to you in all that she does. Darlene's mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection, which brings peace, joy and prosperity into their lives. They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. She accomplishes this thru her Crystal Readings for Vibrant Living and her Wellness Coach Program, which is offer to individuals and corporations. Receive her f.ree report "Learn 7 Ways to Manifest Abundance With Crystals" at Spirited Boutique
Darlene Siddons
Birthstone: Onyx and Garnet Abundance Stone: Ruby
If you are born under this sun sign you can tend to be on the very serious and follow the rules type person, however, that can be balanced out with a true sense of humor. Capricorn sun sign people, like structure and crave authority, if this sounds like you carrying an Onyx will create a balance in these areas.
Garnet is the crystal you want to carry to balance out any heaviness or stress of any sort, it is know to be the revitalizing stone and will bring serenity and calm just when it is needed. You will want to always wear and/or carry a Garnet with you, as it will keep you in toned balance. This could even be a great engagement stone as it encourages commitment and fidelity.
Many Capricorns love to climb to the top, and that is the top of anything, it can be a profession, a community or an organization or all of them. They love to work, organize and are usual task orientated. With all of this said, a Capricorn is an asset to any business, but usually they like something that they feel they can be in charge with and this is when it is good to wear or carry a Ruby as it will assist you in the ability to succeed and perform with great leadership.
Capricorns do not tend to become spiritually orientated until they have feeling of security in their personal and business lives, as most of their time and energy is in climbing the ladder and that doesn't leave much time for anything else. It is rather difficult for you to integrate the inner with outer until you feel you have the extra time for it, this is when it is good for you carry Azurite, as it helps balance this out and opens up your spiritual intuition and encourages more balance in this area.
The areas of the body that tend to challenge the Capricorn are the knees, skin and bones of the body, you can tend towards arthritis and what assists in relieving the pain and loosen up the joints is carrying or wearing Fluorite. If you tend to get bouts of depression use Amber to counteract these tendencies, it can bring light and well being to your mind, body and soul; and it is a great stone for healing, as it can help draw out the dis-ease in your body and it can heal faster.
Darlene has researched, practiced and implemented many spiritual and personal growth paths: Crystal Readings for Vibrant Living; Feng Shui for personal tranquility; Sacred Movements for a disciplined life; Gentle Touch Energy Healer; Whole and organic food advocate-Food as Medicine; Artist of hand woven and beaded amulet basket necklaces. She resides in California in her own personal wellness center and sanctuary. She brings her wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self to you in all that she does. Darlene's mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection, which brings peace, joy and prosperity into their lives. They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. She accomplishes this thru her Crystal Readings for Vibrant Living and her Wellness Coach Program, which is offer to individuals and corporations. Receive her f.ree report "Learn 7 Ways to Manifest Abundance With Crystals" at Spirited Boutique
Darlene Siddons
The Mount of Jupiter
Palmistry is a very interesting subject that deals with interpreting the various line formations and other palm features to determine an individual's character and his or her future prospects. Palmists believe that the lines, rings and mounts that form the topography of the palm are actually the various nerve linkages, the thought patterns and chromosomal effects. There are three main features of the palm, the lines, mounts and rings. There are 8 types of principal lines and 7 kinds of mounts. The mount of Jupiter is one of the seven mounts of the palm. The mounts are actually certain regions on the surface of the palm. The mount of Jupiter is located just below the index finger and beside which the mount of Saturn lies.
The following are the indications that are determined by the various forms of appearances of the mount of Jupiter. The normal position of the mount of Jupiter indicates qualities of good leadership, good education, wisdom and possessor of pride and good luck.
The following are the traits of individuals having the Jupiter mount in the normal position with different shapes of fingers.
• Normal position with pointed finger means possessor of high religious ideals • Conical finger will indicate having lofty pride • Square finger will show pride on daily life • Spatulate fingers will indicate having great entrepreneurial qualities
If the Jupiter mount is not in its normal position and is displaced a different set of reading will be done. The following are the various indications based on the change of position of the Jupiter mount.
• If the mount has moved towards the upward region, it represents traits like self praise, vanity, pride and ego. • If the mount happens to be tilting towards the mount of Saturn, it reflects self-consciousness. • If the mount is positioned close to the heart line then it reveals pride in possessing the quality of affection. • If the mount is near the line of head the individual is believed to have pride in having intellect and mental power. • If the mount is towards the life line, it indicates immense pride
If the mount of head is crisscrossed by unusual lines or is abnormally prominent then the person is more likely to be suffering from cardiac arrest, blood circulation problem, apoplexy and lung disorders. Unless the self esteem is hurt or has been immensely humiliated, the individual having a well formed mount of Jupiter very rarely gets tempted to commit suicide.
Jason Smith has a special interest in palmistry. For the past few years he has been roaming round the world to collect substantial information regarding the various indications based on the features of the palm. You may search through the internet and take the help of an authentic palmistry guide to know the details of the mount of Jupiter.
The following are the indications that are determined by the various forms of appearances of the mount of Jupiter. The normal position of the mount of Jupiter indicates qualities of good leadership, good education, wisdom and possessor of pride and good luck.
The following are the traits of individuals having the Jupiter mount in the normal position with different shapes of fingers.
• Normal position with pointed finger means possessor of high religious ideals • Conical finger will indicate having lofty pride • Square finger will show pride on daily life • Spatulate fingers will indicate having great entrepreneurial qualities
If the Jupiter mount is not in its normal position and is displaced a different set of reading will be done. The following are the various indications based on the change of position of the Jupiter mount.
• If the mount has moved towards the upward region, it represents traits like self praise, vanity, pride and ego. • If the mount happens to be tilting towards the mount of Saturn, it reflects self-consciousness. • If the mount is positioned close to the heart line then it reveals pride in possessing the quality of affection. • If the mount is near the line of head the individual is believed to have pride in having intellect and mental power. • If the mount is towards the life line, it indicates immense pride
If the mount of head is crisscrossed by unusual lines or is abnormally prominent then the person is more likely to be suffering from cardiac arrest, blood circulation problem, apoplexy and lung disorders. Unless the self esteem is hurt or has been immensely humiliated, the individual having a well formed mount of Jupiter very rarely gets tempted to commit suicide.
Jason Smith has a special interest in palmistry. For the past few years he has been roaming round the world to collect substantial information regarding the various indications based on the features of the palm. You may search through the internet and take the help of an authentic palmistry guide to know the details of the mount of Jupiter.
Aries Horoscope - December 2008 Astrology Forecast
Monthly: Aries December 2008 Prediction
Job and Career Horoscope in December 2008 People born under Aries sun sign will be in a mood to take initiative so they will love to work for long hours. 18th and 19th, 27th and 28th December are very important dates for work and related matters. This is the right time to grab opportunities on the career front, feels Ganesha.
Business Horoscope in December 2008 Venus, the Lord of the seventh Solar Mansion, from Aries sun sign is passing through Capricorn till the end of the first week so time is good for new tie-ups or business associations. For people born under Aries sun sign, this is the right time to pay off dues/debts that they might have taken in the past.
Finance and Money Horoscope in December 2008 This is the 'power month' for money matters as Venus, the Lord of the second Solar Mansion, from Aries sun sign is transiting through Capricorn and later is entering Aquarius. The financial inflow will be more than satisfactory but the capacity of the people born under Aries sun sign to spend money will also be increasing.
Love/Marriage/Personal life Horoscope in December 2008 Those single and looking born under Aries sun sign may fall for someone very suddenly this month. They may sing Phil Collins' song, "This must be love, I'm feeling, This must be love". Those already in a relationship will be sharing philosophical and religious views. Married couples will be taking dips in the river of love throughout the month of December.
Get free Horoscope and Astrology from ganeshaspeaks.com, Such as daily horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, monthly horoscopes and love horoscope
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hemang_Pandit
Job and Career Horoscope in December 2008 People born under Aries sun sign will be in a mood to take initiative so they will love to work for long hours. 18th and 19th, 27th and 28th December are very important dates for work and related matters. This is the right time to grab opportunities on the career front, feels Ganesha.
Business Horoscope in December 2008 Venus, the Lord of the seventh Solar Mansion, from Aries sun sign is passing through Capricorn till the end of the first week so time is good for new tie-ups or business associations. For people born under Aries sun sign, this is the right time to pay off dues/debts that they might have taken in the past.
Finance and Money Horoscope in December 2008 This is the 'power month' for money matters as Venus, the Lord of the second Solar Mansion, from Aries sun sign is transiting through Capricorn and later is entering Aquarius. The financial inflow will be more than satisfactory but the capacity of the people born under Aries sun sign to spend money will also be increasing.
Love/Marriage/Personal life Horoscope in December 2008 Those single and looking born under Aries sun sign may fall for someone very suddenly this month. They may sing Phil Collins' song, "This must be love, I'm feeling, This must be love". Those already in a relationship will be sharing philosophical and religious views. Married couples will be taking dips in the river of love throughout the month of December.
Get free Horoscope and Astrology from ganeshaspeaks.com, Such as daily horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, monthly horoscopes and love horoscope
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hemang_Pandit
วันอังคารที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551
Astrology Solar Chart Gives Correct Timing in Your Life
Solar - Chart - Timing
The Age of Aquarius has brought with it a new Paradigm. The new Paradigm has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics.
These Laws amongst other things, are telling us that all is energy and that thoughts are things.
This is a perfect Paradigm for revising your Astrological Solar Chart. The Solar Chart is an energy matrix where the timing factors in a person's life are revealed to them.
The simplicity and the accuracy of the Solar Chart leaves you with a tool that will help you create a better future for yourself.
The All Father, Creator God, has promised us that we can have anything we want in life. Just ask. But we must learn when and how to ask. This is where the energy matrix of the Solar Chart comes in. It gives us the timing factors in our life.
Another thing the All-Father, Creator God has told us is that there are millions of things that we can have, and that there are millions of things we cannot have. The Solar Chart shows us what things are available to us and what is beyond our reach.
The houses in your Solar Chart are especially spaced every thirty degrees. If you are a Scorpio, (or any other sign), this is placed in your first house. Then the rest of the Zodiac is spread around the wheel counter clock wise. Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces etc.
For us (you and I) to build this new Solar Chart system using the new Paradigm of the Age of Aquarius, the Laws of Quantum Physics, we must tune in to the energies not the words.
Therefore, no matter what Sun Sign is in your first house of the Solar Chart the energies affect your , "personality." Second House is Money; Third House "Communications."; Fourth House "Home"; Fifth house "Creativity." Sixth House "Health"; Seventh House "Career."; Eleventh House "Friendship" ; Twelfth house "the Past."
These are your basic building blocks. They cover all possible areas of your life.
Now for the timing. The Sun is "Power." What ever house the Sun is in at this particular time will be powered. If the Sun (now in Sag at the time of writing) is in your fifth house of Aries Solar Chart, it means that the power to create will be stronger than any other time of the year.
By following the movement of the Sun around your Solar Chart, you will know when it is the right time to do anything. Get into the habit of putting your energy and efforts into the energies of the key word of the house that is being powered by the Sun.
This is how you can learn to build a sane, safe constructive life.
Remember timing is everything and your Solar Chart gives you your "Divine Timing" table. Email me for your free Solar Chart Wheel.
Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator". He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50's thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now." You can contact him by email.
The Age of Aquarius has brought with it a new Paradigm. The new Paradigm has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics.
These Laws amongst other things, are telling us that all is energy and that thoughts are things.
This is a perfect Paradigm for revising your Astrological Solar Chart. The Solar Chart is an energy matrix where the timing factors in a person's life are revealed to them.
The simplicity and the accuracy of the Solar Chart leaves you with a tool that will help you create a better future for yourself.
The All Father, Creator God, has promised us that we can have anything we want in life. Just ask. But we must learn when and how to ask. This is where the energy matrix of the Solar Chart comes in. It gives us the timing factors in our life.
Another thing the All-Father, Creator God has told us is that there are millions of things that we can have, and that there are millions of things we cannot have. The Solar Chart shows us what things are available to us and what is beyond our reach.
The houses in your Solar Chart are especially spaced every thirty degrees. If you are a Scorpio, (or any other sign), this is placed in your first house. Then the rest of the Zodiac is spread around the wheel counter clock wise. Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces etc.
For us (you and I) to build this new Solar Chart system using the new Paradigm of the Age of Aquarius, the Laws of Quantum Physics, we must tune in to the energies not the words.
Therefore, no matter what Sun Sign is in your first house of the Solar Chart the energies affect your , "personality." Second House is Money; Third House "Communications."; Fourth House "Home"; Fifth house "Creativity." Sixth House "Health"; Seventh House "Career."; Eleventh House "Friendship" ; Twelfth house "the Past."
These are your basic building blocks. They cover all possible areas of your life.
Now for the timing. The Sun is "Power." What ever house the Sun is in at this particular time will be powered. If the Sun (now in Sag at the time of writing) is in your fifth house of Aries Solar Chart, it means that the power to create will be stronger than any other time of the year.
By following the movement of the Sun around your Solar Chart, you will know when it is the right time to do anything. Get into the habit of putting your energy and efforts into the energies of the key word of the house that is being powered by the Sun.
This is how you can learn to build a sane, safe constructive life.
Remember timing is everything and your Solar Chart gives you your "Divine Timing" table. Email me for your free Solar Chart Wheel.
Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator". He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50's thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now." You can contact him by email.
2009 Numerology Forecast
Does 2009 numerology herald good or bad times for us all?
Universally, 2009 in terms of numerology promises us all the chance to learn & grow as human beings.
2+0+0+9= 11/2
Numerology forecasts reduce numbers to a single digit, except when the master numbers 11 and 22 are involved.
This year the year does indeed reduce to a master number. But, that master number starts out as the number 29 so let's take a closer look at the number 29, itself, first.
This number is indeed a 'testing number'.
By that, I mean that everything in life is a test, really. The main thing that we all have open to us in a free world , is choice.
We all choose how to conduct ourselves & our lives.
Therefore, every opportunity that arises is a chance for us to learn love and forgiveness.
Heaven knows that there is a lot going on in the world, financially, politically, physically and in the name of religion that is far from good. But each and every one of us has the choice to meet these challenges with negativity ( that prolongs the wrong) or with love and forgiveness that will ultimately cleanse the planet of all negative influences.
The number 29 is a very high numerical vibration to contend with. Bringing it down to the master number of 11, it is still high but can be interpreted into more understandable terms.
As a prediction, the number 11 in the position of 2009 means that mankind will be forced to learn and grow about the true meaning of what it is to be human and part of a universal collective of people.
A coming together of all nations and peoples is forseen as we globally all unite and pull together for the good of all.
Now, as this forced change that brings these events about is at present unforeseen, as a Numerologist I too can only ponder.
Will it be the continuing decline of the financial markets? Will it be global warming that hinders crops making us all contribute to a communal harvest to ensure food for all?
Or will extraterrestrials finally make contact? If this happened then maybe we'd clearly be able to identify ourselves as one.Wouldn't it be remarkable that all that was needed to join us together as humankind was a visit from a stranger?
Whatever does happen in 2009 the prognosis is good because we will learn from it how to truly live together in harmony.
On a day to day basis I think 2009 will see us all becoming more contemplative of our actions, making sure that our conduct is and is seen to be for the good.
I include all members of society in that statement.
People who have been quiet in the past (from all walks of life & society) will now feel the urge to speak and they will have profound things to say.
Visionaries will become the new celebrities and we will all welcome their messages of faith and hope for the future.
May your own 2009 Numerology be happy & very interesting!
Let me be your personal Numerologist in 2009. All of my readings and insights are worked out by me. I don't use software at all. I put my 15 years experience and expertise into everything I do. It costs nothing to join my free newsletter which you can subscribe to at my site http://www.oceannumerology.com
Universally, 2009 in terms of numerology promises us all the chance to learn & grow as human beings.
2+0+0+9= 11/2
Numerology forecasts reduce numbers to a single digit, except when the master numbers 11 and 22 are involved.
This year the year does indeed reduce to a master number. But, that master number starts out as the number 29 so let's take a closer look at the number 29, itself, first.
This number is indeed a 'testing number'.
By that, I mean that everything in life is a test, really. The main thing that we all have open to us in a free world , is choice.
We all choose how to conduct ourselves & our lives.
Therefore, every opportunity that arises is a chance for us to learn love and forgiveness.
Heaven knows that there is a lot going on in the world, financially, politically, physically and in the name of religion that is far from good. But each and every one of us has the choice to meet these challenges with negativity ( that prolongs the wrong) or with love and forgiveness that will ultimately cleanse the planet of all negative influences.
The number 29 is a very high numerical vibration to contend with. Bringing it down to the master number of 11, it is still high but can be interpreted into more understandable terms.
As a prediction, the number 11 in the position of 2009 means that mankind will be forced to learn and grow about the true meaning of what it is to be human and part of a universal collective of people.
A coming together of all nations and peoples is forseen as we globally all unite and pull together for the good of all.
Now, as this forced change that brings these events about is at present unforeseen, as a Numerologist I too can only ponder.
Will it be the continuing decline of the financial markets? Will it be global warming that hinders crops making us all contribute to a communal harvest to ensure food for all?
Or will extraterrestrials finally make contact? If this happened then maybe we'd clearly be able to identify ourselves as one.Wouldn't it be remarkable that all that was needed to join us together as humankind was a visit from a stranger?
Whatever does happen in 2009 the prognosis is good because we will learn from it how to truly live together in harmony.
On a day to day basis I think 2009 will see us all becoming more contemplative of our actions, making sure that our conduct is and is seen to be for the good.
I include all members of society in that statement.
People who have been quiet in the past (from all walks of life & society) will now feel the urge to speak and they will have profound things to say.
Visionaries will become the new celebrities and we will all welcome their messages of faith and hope for the future.
May your own 2009 Numerology be happy & very interesting!
Let me be your personal Numerologist in 2009. All of my readings and insights are worked out by me. I don't use software at all. I put my 15 years experience and expertise into everything I do. It costs nothing to join my free newsletter which you can subscribe to at my site http://www.oceannumerology.com
2009 - A Time of Opportunities and Endings
The incoming year, 2009, has the potential to be a profound year as it possesses both idealism and spirituality. Unfortunately it may fall prey to missed opportunities, through people setting their sights too low, and to negative reactions born out of emotion and fear. Its governing trend, in Numerology, is represented by the number 11, a figure that signifies a period of intense nervous energy and humanitarian endeavour. In ordinary circumstances the numerology guideline states that the only real or natural numbers in existence are 1 through to 9. Everything outside of these is believed to be mere repetition. However, the 11 is considered special and therefore is exempt from this principle. We will all be living under the influence of the 11 vibration during 2009.
2009 Tendencies
Three major tendencies will constitute the prevailing trend for the new year and they are all related to the fresh beginnings and financial pressures that we experienced in 2008.
Firstly 2009 will bring new friendships or partnerships into our lives while causing some long-term relationships to come to a close. This will be largely due to changes in ones job situation, home address, or simply as a result of people growing and developing along different paths to each other. Secondly, people who have been working steadily and along constructive lines will benefit from well deserved recognition or fame in this year while others may find themselves in turmoil due to keeping areas of their lives hidden and dealings that have not been strictly on the level. These latter individuals will find their private affairs revealed and will have to face the consequences.
Finally, all kinds of documents, official papers and personal data will play an important role now with the possibility that existing financial or legal documents or private data will be lost, or conversely the unexpected discovery of important documents, such as archaeological finds, occurring with subsequent benefits being derived from the discovery. The UK may have a clash over personal identity cards at this time.
Our emotions may well be prone to a certain melancholy or sadness that will accompany those aspects of our lives that are coming to a close but we need to accept that destiny is at work here.
There will also be a degree of uncertainty or indecision about the new individuals who will enter our lives in this year. The use of partnership skills and a willingness to work alongside new colleagues in the spirit of co-operation and mutual respect will receive positive feedback. Patience, a broad minded outlook and a forgiving attitude will help smooth the way forward. Decisions will come hard and fast which when coupled with the emotional overtones in the year will give rise to a heightened sensitivity. It will therefore be vital to use all the tact and diplomacy at ones disposal.
Avoid thoughtless comments and try to see things from the other persons perspective. Sympathise with others feelings rather than being wholly concerned with your own and use a gentle touch in all of your dealings. A quiet acceptance of your lot in life and without complaint will gain you respect at this time. Do not however, sit back and allow yourself to wallow in apathy.
A re-alignment of personal ideals should occur where consideration is given to what is truly important as opposed to the mistaken aspirations that have blurred our vision in recent years. Family values will begin to make a welcome return even though the pressured world of work will cut into the time that families are able to spend together.
Spiritual beliefs and practices will take on a new dimension with attention being paid to meditation, dreams, and intuition. These vivid dreams and intuitive hunches will help us to understand our future direction. Humanitarian ventures will find favour and any kindness or charitable act will bring its own rewards. This is the time of the visionary.
Long distance travel may be undertaken for the purpose of spiritual enlightenment and the chosen destinations will reflect this.
Natural disasters caused by or leading to fire are highlighted under the numerological influence of this year so all precautions should be taken to prevent this.
International finance and politics will take centre stage with the resurrection of the global economy relying on countries and world financial institutions showing a willingness to co-operate with each other. America and the Far East will be the major players in this arena. New laws will be brought in to control share dealing and the operation of the global share markets but a danger exists that the controls that will be instigated will be too far reaching. Whatever happens, our approach to Capitalism can be expected to alter. This is not to say that it should be discarded but instead that we need to be made aware that its dark side dwells in its exclusion of areas and peoples. No matter what the Glitterati think, 'Exclusive' is not good and all it garners is resentment, envy and poverty.
Any financial losses at this time will be transitory ones as the universe is a balanced place and wealth will return to the areas where it is most needed. Fear of loss is a powerful emotion that leads us to behave in ways that cannot be justified whereas a little faith and trust will work wonders for our conduct. It will be as well to consider the difference between positive action and a knee-jerk reaction to unfolding events. All eyes will be on Barack Obama at this time as this is his key year in Numerology. He will, therefore, need to provide a sense of vision for the future while being extremely cautious with regard to factions that view him as a threat to their way of life. He would do well to look outside the United States in order to form partnerships and alliances with his neighbours. In this way he can successfully include the rest of the world in the decision making process, rather than encouraging resentment by attempting to go it alone. The fate of the world may rest with him.
Also political tensions could be experienced with Syria and there will be an initiative to bring some form of closure in Iraq with the possibility of the installation of a power sharing government.
Dictatorships and attempts at extreme control are a worrying aspect of this year. Tao Buddhism states that 'the price of freedom is constant awareness' and in the present Millennium we would be wise to take this advice on board.
Rising to the challenges of this period will require a great deal of effort and determination. You will need to use good judgement and intuition when weighing up opportunities offered to you. Make sure that they are from reputable sources and then develop a personal vision that will take you forward. Be prepared to work as part of a team or partnership. This is a time of coming together. The period will be one of transition as well as endings thus we will need to embrace change. Nervous energy may cause you to give in to overly emotional reactions and indecision so it would be wise to remain calm and to let things come to fruition in their own time.
If you truly wish to find your equilibrium then examine your spiritual beliefs and personal philosophy. These are the things that will carry you through uncertain times and serve to balance your personality. If they are missing or you've allowed them to waste away, like an unused muscle, then they will not be able to carry the weight when you most need them to. We have all complained that life and especially Christmas have become 'too commercialised' in recent years but who has the power to alter this situation? It is time to cut out the rush and to start enjoying your friends, family and surroundings. Settle your debts, forgive those who transgress, and be patient in your dealings with others. In this way you wont go wrong in 2009.
Happy New Year!
Professional Numerologist and Astrologer, Peter Dobrovic offers personal consultations and professionally written reports based on over twenty years experience of practising Numerology. Peter, uses the three systems of Numerology, I Ching and the Chinese Horoscope to provide readings for his hundreds of satisfied clients across the UK. You can visit his site at http://www.pdnumerology.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Dobrovic
2009 Tendencies
Three major tendencies will constitute the prevailing trend for the new year and they are all related to the fresh beginnings and financial pressures that we experienced in 2008.
Firstly 2009 will bring new friendships or partnerships into our lives while causing some long-term relationships to come to a close. This will be largely due to changes in ones job situation, home address, or simply as a result of people growing and developing along different paths to each other. Secondly, people who have been working steadily and along constructive lines will benefit from well deserved recognition or fame in this year while others may find themselves in turmoil due to keeping areas of their lives hidden and dealings that have not been strictly on the level. These latter individuals will find their private affairs revealed and will have to face the consequences.
Finally, all kinds of documents, official papers and personal data will play an important role now with the possibility that existing financial or legal documents or private data will be lost, or conversely the unexpected discovery of important documents, such as archaeological finds, occurring with subsequent benefits being derived from the discovery. The UK may have a clash over personal identity cards at this time.
Our emotions may well be prone to a certain melancholy or sadness that will accompany those aspects of our lives that are coming to a close but we need to accept that destiny is at work here.
There will also be a degree of uncertainty or indecision about the new individuals who will enter our lives in this year. The use of partnership skills and a willingness to work alongside new colleagues in the spirit of co-operation and mutual respect will receive positive feedback. Patience, a broad minded outlook and a forgiving attitude will help smooth the way forward. Decisions will come hard and fast which when coupled with the emotional overtones in the year will give rise to a heightened sensitivity. It will therefore be vital to use all the tact and diplomacy at ones disposal.
Avoid thoughtless comments and try to see things from the other persons perspective. Sympathise with others feelings rather than being wholly concerned with your own and use a gentle touch in all of your dealings. A quiet acceptance of your lot in life and without complaint will gain you respect at this time. Do not however, sit back and allow yourself to wallow in apathy.
A re-alignment of personal ideals should occur where consideration is given to what is truly important as opposed to the mistaken aspirations that have blurred our vision in recent years. Family values will begin to make a welcome return even though the pressured world of work will cut into the time that families are able to spend together.
Spiritual beliefs and practices will take on a new dimension with attention being paid to meditation, dreams, and intuition. These vivid dreams and intuitive hunches will help us to understand our future direction. Humanitarian ventures will find favour and any kindness or charitable act will bring its own rewards. This is the time of the visionary.
Long distance travel may be undertaken for the purpose of spiritual enlightenment and the chosen destinations will reflect this.
Natural disasters caused by or leading to fire are highlighted under the numerological influence of this year so all precautions should be taken to prevent this.
International finance and politics will take centre stage with the resurrection of the global economy relying on countries and world financial institutions showing a willingness to co-operate with each other. America and the Far East will be the major players in this arena. New laws will be brought in to control share dealing and the operation of the global share markets but a danger exists that the controls that will be instigated will be too far reaching. Whatever happens, our approach to Capitalism can be expected to alter. This is not to say that it should be discarded but instead that we need to be made aware that its dark side dwells in its exclusion of areas and peoples. No matter what the Glitterati think, 'Exclusive' is not good and all it garners is resentment, envy and poverty.
Any financial losses at this time will be transitory ones as the universe is a balanced place and wealth will return to the areas where it is most needed. Fear of loss is a powerful emotion that leads us to behave in ways that cannot be justified whereas a little faith and trust will work wonders for our conduct. It will be as well to consider the difference between positive action and a knee-jerk reaction to unfolding events. All eyes will be on Barack Obama at this time as this is his key year in Numerology. He will, therefore, need to provide a sense of vision for the future while being extremely cautious with regard to factions that view him as a threat to their way of life. He would do well to look outside the United States in order to form partnerships and alliances with his neighbours. In this way he can successfully include the rest of the world in the decision making process, rather than encouraging resentment by attempting to go it alone. The fate of the world may rest with him.
Also political tensions could be experienced with Syria and there will be an initiative to bring some form of closure in Iraq with the possibility of the installation of a power sharing government.
Dictatorships and attempts at extreme control are a worrying aspect of this year. Tao Buddhism states that 'the price of freedom is constant awareness' and in the present Millennium we would be wise to take this advice on board.
Rising to the challenges of this period will require a great deal of effort and determination. You will need to use good judgement and intuition when weighing up opportunities offered to you. Make sure that they are from reputable sources and then develop a personal vision that will take you forward. Be prepared to work as part of a team or partnership. This is a time of coming together. The period will be one of transition as well as endings thus we will need to embrace change. Nervous energy may cause you to give in to overly emotional reactions and indecision so it would be wise to remain calm and to let things come to fruition in their own time.
If you truly wish to find your equilibrium then examine your spiritual beliefs and personal philosophy. These are the things that will carry you through uncertain times and serve to balance your personality. If they are missing or you've allowed them to waste away, like an unused muscle, then they will not be able to carry the weight when you most need them to. We have all complained that life and especially Christmas have become 'too commercialised' in recent years but who has the power to alter this situation? It is time to cut out the rush and to start enjoying your friends, family and surroundings. Settle your debts, forgive those who transgress, and be patient in your dealings with others. In this way you wont go wrong in 2009.
Happy New Year!
Professional Numerologist and Astrologer, Peter Dobrovic offers personal consultations and professionally written reports based on over twenty years experience of practising Numerology. Peter, uses the three systems of Numerology, I Ching and the Chinese Horoscope to provide readings for his hundreds of satisfied clients across the UK. You can visit his site at http://www.pdnumerology.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Dobrovic
Astrology, Myth Or Magic?
As the Earth is only one of a few planets circling the sun we can easily follow the movement of the others. Today we can see much further with our new telescopes but even in ancient times, the people could see a few planets.
Inner Planets Mercury and Venus are circling between the sun and our planet. They can always be seen close to the sun, though Mercury is a bit shy as it is very close to the sun. Venus makes a proud appearance no matter if we can see it in the morning or evening.
Outer Planets Then we have Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, all visible with the naked eye. Meaning you do not need a binocular or telescope to see it. Because they are so close the wander around between the stars. The ancients could see this and roughly 1000BC. A superstition originated in Babylonian religion.
Birth of Astrology According to this the planets supposedly influenced the fate of kings and great nations. The Greeks would later adopt this and extended the influence to all individuals. In short they believed each persons destiny was thus determined by the positions of the planets along the ecliptic at the moment of the persons birth. The ecliptic in short is the path along which the sun travels.
Zodiac Since the planets do not move exactly along the ecliptic ancient astrologers then defined a wider band centered on the ecliptic. This we know as the Zodiac. This band was divided in 12 parts, each named after a prominent constellation.
Aries the first The first sign Aries begins and runs eastward where it joins up with Taurus and so on. The validity of astrology has been tested and as far as Astronomers are concerned it lacks credibility. Astronomers find astrology a somewhat irritating superstition, a left over from ancient- worshiping religions.
Leon is the inspiration behind the OZYMANDEUS Challenge concept and if this article was of interest, go and find out more what else you can discover. http://ozymandeus.com/landing.htm
As the Earth is only one of a few planets circling the sun we can easily follow the movement of the others. Today we can see much further with our new telescopes but even in ancient times, the people could see a few planets.
Inner Planets Mercury and Venus are circling between the sun and our planet. They can always be seen close to the sun, though Mercury is a bit shy as it is very close to the sun. Venus makes a proud appearance no matter if we can see it in the morning or evening.
Outer Planets Then we have Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, all visible with the naked eye. Meaning you do not need a binocular or telescope to see it. Because they are so close the wander around between the stars. The ancients could see this and roughly 1000BC. A superstition originated in Babylonian religion.
Birth of Astrology According to this the planets supposedly influenced the fate of kings and great nations. The Greeks would later adopt this and extended the influence to all individuals. In short they believed each persons destiny was thus determined by the positions of the planets along the ecliptic at the moment of the persons birth. The ecliptic in short is the path along which the sun travels.
Zodiac Since the planets do not move exactly along the ecliptic ancient astrologers then defined a wider band centered on the ecliptic. This we know as the Zodiac. This band was divided in 12 parts, each named after a prominent constellation.
Aries the first The first sign Aries begins and runs eastward where it joins up with Taurus and so on. The validity of astrology has been tested and as far as Astronomers are concerned it lacks credibility. Astronomers find astrology a somewhat irritating superstition, a left over from ancient- worshiping religions.
Leon is the inspiration behind the OZYMANDEUS Challenge concept and if this article was of interest, go and find out more what else you can discover. http://ozymandeus.com/landing.htm
Astrology Can Give You Answers
There are many ways that we can use astrology to figure out why we act in and feel a certain way that is not our usually way of behaving and feeling. One of the explanation can be that there is some transiting planet in a particular section of our horoscope that influence our natal planets.
The ways the planets are position when we are born are the way they will always stay in your horoscope and that is called your natal chart. However the planets are always travelling around and we call them the transiting planets.
When one of these planets enter one of your 12 houses in your natal astrology chart or make aspects to your natal planets, it is just as if an actor came on to the scene and acted out the influence of this new energy.
The Sun take 12 month to travel around the horoscope and stay in each of the 12 signs for a month and it will always highlight the house it goes through and the planets it touches. The Moon stay in each house for about two and half day and will influence our emotions.
Venus and Mercury is never far from the Sun. Venus will give you an urge to socialize, entertain, mix and mingle with other people. Mercury is the communicator and gets you in the mood to get those letters written and that paper work done.
Mars can give you a boost of energy; it is the engine which drives you and motivates you. When Jupiter travels through the house occupied by your Sun sign (which happens around every 12 year and will stay there for about 12 month) there is usually some significant event happening in your life that you will remember. Jupiter is currently travelling through Capricorn.
Hanne Klein has created a facinating lens on Squidoo for astrology where she shares great information about how astrology works and her two books she has written "Doorways to Astrology" and Astrology Made Simple and Easy". She has many interesting articles and illustration displayed which are easy on the eye. http://www.squidoo.com/easyforyouebooks
The ways the planets are position when we are born are the way they will always stay in your horoscope and that is called your natal chart. However the planets are always travelling around and we call them the transiting planets.
When one of these planets enter one of your 12 houses in your natal astrology chart or make aspects to your natal planets, it is just as if an actor came on to the scene and acted out the influence of this new energy.
The Sun take 12 month to travel around the horoscope and stay in each of the 12 signs for a month and it will always highlight the house it goes through and the planets it touches. The Moon stay in each house for about two and half day and will influence our emotions.
Venus and Mercury is never far from the Sun. Venus will give you an urge to socialize, entertain, mix and mingle with other people. Mercury is the communicator and gets you in the mood to get those letters written and that paper work done.
Mars can give you a boost of energy; it is the engine which drives you and motivates you. When Jupiter travels through the house occupied by your Sun sign (which happens around every 12 year and will stay there for about 12 month) there is usually some significant event happening in your life that you will remember. Jupiter is currently travelling through Capricorn.
Hanne Klein has created a facinating lens on Squidoo for astrology where she shares great information about how astrology works and her two books she has written "Doorways to Astrology" and Astrology Made Simple and Easy". She has many interesting articles and illustration displayed which are easy on the eye. http://www.squidoo.com/easyforyouebooks
Astrology and Life Choices
There were cases where a man is drawn to too much worrying about his future. Sometimes he feels like no direction at all when it comes to making decision for himself. Negativity or pessimistic approaches to their failures lead to worse case scenarios as giving up or with suicidal behaviors. But if people are motivated enough to try something positive and bestowed with choices about his/her solutions to their problems, they'll come up with the best attitude and perception about life struggles.
Cognitive knowledge from our ancient times already have the solution for this common human weaknesses. Kings and other world leaders from our history often experienced the time of depression thus giving them hard time for decision making for their people and country's welfare. Their elder advisers and magicians then offers him options for his easy picking as immediate solution for these real-time puzzles. But aside from the world leaders' wise and well-experienced consultants, they also ask for the opinions and views of other important individuals in the society such as the scientists, chemists, and also the astrologers.
Likewise with the individuals that does not have this private opulent personage, they should also have their own adviser to cope with their personal dilemmas. That's why there are public services that provides this kind of consultation. Apart from psychologist's practice of mind healing and understanding, astrologers and psychics offers a different but supernatural approach. The star signs that bespeak the individuals strong association with the universe best define the value of in dept human connection to his/her environment. Astrology also, assumes possible indication of life choices and route which could be essential to his/her current decision making and type of lifestyle.
The sun, planets, stars and other celestial bodies that provides cognitive patterns that only professional, well-experienced and knowledgeable psychics and astrologers can interpret are well-known for peculiar but logically predictable movements at the sky. Each location of these heavenly bodies is said to symbolize some influence to life Earth that could be use as a form of divination known to psychics. The common representation of this kind of study from the ancient times best describe by the expression that "as above, so below" which means the things in the sky reflect something on Earth.
After the Renaissance period, the knowledge was diverge into astronomy, a scientific conception of astrological discipline, but the strong belief of its known purpose stays. Some statistic also gives proof that people nowadays and from the past still strongly believe that relying on their astrological sign readings performs additional positiveness in their life. It apparently gives hope, motivation and perceptive options for their well-being and plans for their career and life success.
Psychics and astrology then becomes an essential thing for alternative but effective consultation for solutions and motivation. The popular identification of one's star sign or zodiac sign becomes a basic habit for most individual to know their capabilities, personality and compatibility with the society and life process. It's hard to determine who were the successful personage that based their life and career progress from astrology but sure thing they are plenty to count. Say, who knows, maybe someone would won the lottery from his/her horoscope readings today.
Cognitive knowledge from our ancient times already have the solution for this common human weaknesses. Kings and other world leaders from our history often experienced the time of depression thus giving them hard time for decision making for their people and country's welfare. Their elder advisers and magicians then offers him options for his easy picking as immediate solution for these real-time puzzles. But aside from the world leaders' wise and well-experienced consultants, they also ask for the opinions and views of other important individuals in the society such as the scientists, chemists, and also the astrologers.
Likewise with the individuals that does not have this private opulent personage, they should also have their own adviser to cope with their personal dilemmas. That's why there are public services that provides this kind of consultation. Apart from psychologist's practice of mind healing and understanding, astrologers and psychics offers a different but supernatural approach. The star signs that bespeak the individuals strong association with the universe best define the value of in dept human connection to his/her environment. Astrology also, assumes possible indication of life choices and route which could be essential to his/her current decision making and type of lifestyle.
The sun, planets, stars and other celestial bodies that provides cognitive patterns that only professional, well-experienced and knowledgeable psychics and astrologers can interpret are well-known for peculiar but logically predictable movements at the sky. Each location of these heavenly bodies is said to symbolize some influence to life Earth that could be use as a form of divination known to psychics. The common representation of this kind of study from the ancient times best describe by the expression that "as above, so below" which means the things in the sky reflect something on Earth.
After the Renaissance period, the knowledge was diverge into astronomy, a scientific conception of astrological discipline, but the strong belief of its known purpose stays. Some statistic also gives proof that people nowadays and from the past still strongly believe that relying on their astrological sign readings performs additional positiveness in their life. It apparently gives hope, motivation and perceptive options for their well-being and plans for their career and life success.
Psychics and astrology then becomes an essential thing for alternative but effective consultation for solutions and motivation. The popular identification of one's star sign or zodiac sign becomes a basic habit for most individual to know their capabilities, personality and compatibility with the society and life process. It's hard to determine who were the successful personage that based their life and career progress from astrology but sure thing they are plenty to count. Say, who knows, maybe someone would won the lottery from his/her horoscope readings today.
Astrology 101 - Introduction to Planets
In astrology, each planet possesses a unique energy field that it bestows upon us. Each one also gives us a unique set of gifts and challenges. We will explore all of them in more depth. Before doing so, however, I would like to address a few important issues.
First of all, we need to discuss the roles of the sun and moon in astrology. In astronomy, the sun is classified as a star. The Earth's moon is simply no different from any of the other planets in our solar system that has a moon(s). In astrology, however, the sun and moon are considered planets. This is because astrology is geocentric which means that Earth is viewed as being the center of the solar system. This is in direct opposition to astronomy's view that our solar system is heliocentric or sun centered with the planets orbiting around it.
So does this mean that astrologers actually think that all the planets (including the sun) orbit around the Earth?
The answer is no, astrologers don't actually believe that the physical solar system has the Earth at its center. What it does mean is that the system of astrology works from the basis of the Earth being at the center of our solar system. This is because the meanings of the planets take on a symbolic meaning not a literal one. Astrology is based on the view from down here on the planet Earth and not from the scorching hot surface of our sun. Therefore, from astrology's viewpoint, the sun and the moon function just like planets.
The second item that I would like to address is Pluto. In August of 2006, the International Astronomical Union in Prague voted to "demote" Pluto to the status of a "dwarf" planet because they felt that it did not meet their requirements of a planet. This is so despite only 424 astronomers voting on the matter, which is only 5% of the world's astronomers! To this day, this is still a hotly debated decision. Some astronomers feel that this will one day be overturned.
Many of the critics love to poke fun at astrology because of the Pluto decision. They suggest that surely astrology has been debunked since Pluto is no longer a planet. I can't help but wonder when astrologers ever did base their knowledge upon traditional concepts? The sun and moon aren't planets either by astronomy's definition, but by astrology's standards the system still works remarkably well regardless of how it may be viewed. Therefore, the issue of Pluto has absolutely no relevance whatsoever upon astrology because the function of Pluto doesn't change simply because astronomers decide to classify it differently.
The last item that I will cover is the issue of "Sun Sign Astrology." The sun sign only covers a small part of how astrologers interpret someone's astrological chart. It is definitely one of the major components of an astrology birth chart, but not the only factor to be considered. It truly is to be considered the very tip of the iceberg.
Defining astrology as only comprising your sun sign is very similar to thinking that the head of the human body is the only thing that makes up the body. The head is certainly an important part, but we still need the neck, body, arms, legs, internal organs, etc. to have a fully functioning human body. Do you see what I'm saying here? Astrology is very similar to this. The sun is indeed important, but the other planets serve incredibly vital functions as well in order to obtain any accurate understanding of astrology.
Eric Hughes is an Astrological Consultant who compassionately enables people to understand themselves on a deep spiritual level. He helps people to enthusiastically embrace their life with renewed passion as they learn how to consciously honor their own unique inner-flame. He is also the author of the popular TinyFeet Astrology Children's Report. Eric may be contacted at (404) 402-3179, http://www.inner-flame-astrology.com, or http://www.tinyfeetastrology.com
First of all, we need to discuss the roles of the sun and moon in astrology. In astronomy, the sun is classified as a star. The Earth's moon is simply no different from any of the other planets in our solar system that has a moon(s). In astrology, however, the sun and moon are considered planets. This is because astrology is geocentric which means that Earth is viewed as being the center of the solar system. This is in direct opposition to astronomy's view that our solar system is heliocentric or sun centered with the planets orbiting around it.
So does this mean that astrologers actually think that all the planets (including the sun) orbit around the Earth?
The answer is no, astrologers don't actually believe that the physical solar system has the Earth at its center. What it does mean is that the system of astrology works from the basis of the Earth being at the center of our solar system. This is because the meanings of the planets take on a symbolic meaning not a literal one. Astrology is based on the view from down here on the planet Earth and not from the scorching hot surface of our sun. Therefore, from astrology's viewpoint, the sun and the moon function just like planets.
The second item that I would like to address is Pluto. In August of 2006, the International Astronomical Union in Prague voted to "demote" Pluto to the status of a "dwarf" planet because they felt that it did not meet their requirements of a planet. This is so despite only 424 astronomers voting on the matter, which is only 5% of the world's astronomers! To this day, this is still a hotly debated decision. Some astronomers feel that this will one day be overturned.
Many of the critics love to poke fun at astrology because of the Pluto decision. They suggest that surely astrology has been debunked since Pluto is no longer a planet. I can't help but wonder when astrologers ever did base their knowledge upon traditional concepts? The sun and moon aren't planets either by astronomy's definition, but by astrology's standards the system still works remarkably well regardless of how it may be viewed. Therefore, the issue of Pluto has absolutely no relevance whatsoever upon astrology because the function of Pluto doesn't change simply because astronomers decide to classify it differently.
The last item that I will cover is the issue of "Sun Sign Astrology." The sun sign only covers a small part of how astrologers interpret someone's astrological chart. It is definitely one of the major components of an astrology birth chart, but not the only factor to be considered. It truly is to be considered the very tip of the iceberg.
Defining astrology as only comprising your sun sign is very similar to thinking that the head of the human body is the only thing that makes up the body. The head is certainly an important part, but we still need the neck, body, arms, legs, internal organs, etc. to have a fully functioning human body. Do you see what I'm saying here? Astrology is very similar to this. The sun is indeed important, but the other planets serve incredibly vital functions as well in order to obtain any accurate understanding of astrology.
Eric Hughes is an Astrological Consultant who compassionately enables people to understand themselves on a deep spiritual level. He helps people to enthusiastically embrace their life with renewed passion as they learn how to consciously honor their own unique inner-flame. He is also the author of the popular TinyFeet Astrology Children's Report. Eric may be contacted at (404) 402-3179, http://www.inner-flame-astrology.com, or http://www.tinyfeetastrology.com
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